Monday, November 05, 2007

I'll trade you Baltic Avenue for Boardwalk and Park TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is Roy Rogers Day. The "King of the Cowboys" was born Leonard Sly in Cincinnati on this date in 1912. He died in 1998.

Today is Gunpowder Day in England, also known as Guy Fawkes Day, marking a plot to blow up Parliament in 1605. The plot failed when 20 barrels of gunpowder were discovered under Parliament. Guy Fawkes and seven other conspirators were beheaded.

On this day in 1946, Chuck Connors of the Boston Celtics became the first basketball player in history to shatter a glass backboard during an NBA game. Connors later starred as TV's "Rifleman."

On this day in 1993, Police arrested a 19-year-old in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, for attempted theft at a glue factory. The suspect did not resist. He had knocked over two large cans and glued himself to the factory floor.

On this day in 1995, Canadian David Boys became the world Scrabble champion in London, beating finalists from 31 nations for the title. The final word "lud," a rare spelling of "lord," sealed the win over U.S. champ Joel Sherman.

Oh, it's trivia time! Monopoly was first produced by Parker Brothers on this day back in 1935. What city provided the names for all the properties on the board?

Good luck :)


At 7:37 PM, November 05, 2007, Blogger Laine said...

Ok now this one is just ridiculously easy Rob! Or is it just b/c I'm from New Jersey and/or a compulsive gambler?

Atlantic City!!!

At 6:21 AM, November 06, 2007, Blogger Kim said...

I was going to guess New York, but Laine seems so sure of herself I'll go with Atlantic City as well ;)

At 7:28 AM, November 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to go to Atlantic City every year for New Year's when I was in grad school (and bet about a penny at a time). I remember two things about the city - how sketchy it was and how WEIRD it was that all the street names were from Monopoly ;)

At 7:50 AM, November 06, 2007, Blogger R-dogg said...

Hm, maybe this was too easy ;) Good guesses everybody! I guess Kim's the one who lives the closest, so she can run down there and make sure all the streets still exist.

Atlantic City, NJ is the answer!


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