Thursday, June 05, 2008

Flight from JFK to LAX? Pass the dramaTRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is National Gingerbread Day.

Today is World Environment Day, sponsored by the UN.

Today is National Shut Up Day, a day to give quiet people a chance to talk.

Today is Family Yahtzee Day. Play at least one game.

On this day in 1960, the Hollywood Argyles, a fake group created by singer Gary Paxton, entered the Billboard Hot 100 with "Alley Oop." Paxton had acquired the song from Burbank service station attendant Dallas Frazier. The Argyles included Frazier and fellow gas station worker Buddy Mize. Singer Sandy Nelson played the garbage can and did the screaming. When the song hit, Paxton sent a dozen groups on the road, all called The Hollywood Argyles.

On this day in 1977, the Apple II computer, with 4K of memory, went on sale for $1,298. The Apple I had been sold primarily to electronic hobbyists since 1976.

On this day in 1993, a New Jersey court ruled that a father had to pay for the legal defense of his two teenage sons, who were charged with trying to hire a hit man to kill him. Only in New Jersey!

On this day in 1997, the 280 residents of Nash, Oklahoma, got the word that their policeman had been stolen. To discourage speeders, a mannequin, dressed like a cop, had sat in an old black Chevy Nova with a white star painted on the doors parked on the highway shoulder outside the town for two years. Then, somebody broke the car window and kidnapped him.

And in the trivia department, if you’re prone to motion sickness when flying, is it better to sit: (a) up front; (b) over the wing; or (c) in the rear?

Good luck :)


At 5:33 PM, June 05, 2008, Blogger Kim said...

I think it is over the wing, somethign about blocking the view of the horizon. But I could be wrong.

At 6:04 PM, June 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly can't contradict Dr. Kim! (And I'm trying very hard not to add "Medicine Woman" after that.)

Hmm...I think I like Gingerbread Day more than Yahtzee Day. Are we still celebrating Pet Appreciation Week?

At 8:54 PM, June 05, 2008, Blogger Laine said...

That commercial is pretty great. The confusing thing to me is that the Apple II came out in 1977 - I had no idea. I feel like we were still using Apple IIe's in 8th grade accounting class circa 1992. But maybe that was some later model of Macintosh, I'm not really sure. My personal favorite old school computer model was the super-high-tech Commodore 64. I used our Commodore 64 to learn how to write a random-number-generator program. :)

Oh, and I'll go with Kim, MD on the trivia. Thankfully I don't get sick on airplanes so I don't know the answer to that one!

At 10:14 PM, June 05, 2008, Blogger R-dogg said...

Yup, it's over the wing!

Kim, good answer, but was it worth going to school for a bajillion years just to know the answer to that question? ;) It's good to know that the MD gives you some street cred though!

JD, I agree...if only we had built a gingerbread house to celebrate. I guess there's always next year!

Laine, oh I had the Commodore 64 as well. 64K of RAM? Why, that's right out of the space age! I remember my sister and I programming all day in BASIC to get the C64 to make a "whoop" sound. We were like "What a rip-off!" And now, I write code almost every day :) Also, I'm sure your 8th grade accounting teacher would be gratified to know of your current vocation...all started by a Mac!

At 12:36 PM, June 07, 2008, Blogger Kim said...

Oh, the commodore... I remember it well... we had a bunch of those and a bunch of Tandys


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