Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Commuting Trivia Nightmare!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by Nissan, without whom I would not have my 1999 Maxima SE 5-speed with which to get to work!

So, because I spend hours on the road in the evening and morning on my commute, I can quasi-identify with the title of the recent Celine Dion song "I drove all night." Of course, we all know Celine's a big phony because this song was originally recorded by what 1980s-not so much 90s-back in 2000s pop star?

BonusStalkerPoints if you can name the color of my Maxima! Good luck!

"What happened to us, Philip?" "We just grew apart, Celine Dion" -- South Park


At 11:51 AM, August 17, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your car is about the same color as mine...Chevrolet calls mine "light drift"...whatever the hell that's supposed to mean ;)

I call mine gold. Yay for "golden" cars! :)


At 9:29 AM, August 18, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cyndi lauper, and I something like sunlit sand I think

At 10:19 PM, August 18, 2004, Blogger R-dogg said...

Yup, Cyndi Lauper showed her true colors with this 80s song. Ah, driving was so much different back then! I hope her route didn't take her through Winston-Salem, NC when today's Business 40 (including Hawthorne Curve) was yesterday's I-40.

Both Kims get stalker points because Nissan believes my car to be "sunlit sand." Megan's car color reminds me of the dark gray file drawers I just got at work whose official color is "dark neutral." What does that even mean? ;)


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