Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Don't you step on my blue suede TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today is Leftovers Trading Day, a day to swap everything in your refrigerator to a friend for everything in their refrigerator. Anybody want some leftover pizza?

Today is National Guacamole Day. when's National Tortilla Chips day?

Today is American National Teddy Bear Day. Legend says President Teddy Roosevelt spared the life of a bear cub while on a 1902 big game hunt in Mississippi. Political cartoonist Clifford Berryman drew the incident and the "Teddy" Bear was born.

On this day in 1935, The San Francisco Call Bulletin became the first newspaper to run a life-size portrait of a human being. The subject: two-day old Larry Quinn.

On this day in 1961, the Elvis Presley film "Blue Hawaii" premiered.

On this day in 1992, Danville, Virginia, inventor David Bivens introduced his automatic people wash, a device with large spinning brushes similar to those he invented decades earlier to wash cars and trucks. Oh Danville: always the center of innovation!

On this day in 1995, Crayola announced it was replacing its food-scented crayons with new scents parents could be sure their children wouldn't want to eat. Responding to parental complaints, Crayola replaced such scents as Chocolate, Bubble Gum, and Cherry with Dirt, Shampoo, and Cedar Chest.

Here's some pet trivia: the average dog can make about 10 different vocal sounds. How many different vocal sounds can the average cat make? Is it 5, 50, or 100?

Good luck :)


At 10:53 AM, November 14, 2007, Blogger jody said...

wow, blogger just deleted my comment. so this is the second try.. i'll guess 50 (and then i went into this whole thing about cats being in my garden and wanting to shoot them w/ bb guns but perhaps that part got deleted for a reason.... hmm).

At 9:05 PM, November 14, 2007, Blogger Kim said...

My cats? 100, but they all mean "food now please!". Also now I am totally thinking of the ski wash from Monty Python :)

At 7:42 AM, November 15, 2007, Blogger R-dogg said...

Jody, clearly this indicates that blogger is run by cats :) We mustn't anger them! Maybe the very cats in your garden are the webmasters...they do live in Seattle, after all.

Kim, I know, the ski wash was my first thought too! It's so close to being a reality!

Oh, right, the trivia's 100. And this is why I'm afraid of cats: I'm always worried they're planning something, and now I know that they really could be!


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