Thursday, January 17, 2008

Justice Rehnquist, is it OK if I Tivo the premier of TRIVIA QUIZ??!!??

Today is Make Your All-Time Top Ten Favorite TV Characters List. Go ahead. Will you include Lucy, Fonzie, Barney, Latka, Reverend Jim, Kramer, Boss Hogg, Corky, Gomer, Georgette, or Meathead? Bart Simpson.

Today is Kid Inventors Day, honoring the 500,000 kids and teens who invent gadget and games each year to make our lives easier and more fun.

Today is National Professional Boxer's Day, always on the birthday of Muhammad Ali.
Link to Video
(Sorry, embedding was disabled, but it's a great video)

On this day in 1972, Memphis renamed Bellvue Street Elvis Presley Boulevard. All the new street signs disappeared immediately.

On this day in 1984, The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that using a home video recorder to tape movies and TV shows for non-commercial purposes did not violate federal copyright law.

On this day in 1990, near Alvin, Texas, 18-year-old Andrea Guerero found a man slumped over the wheel of his truck, administered CPR, and saved his life. She was returning home from a CPR certification exam, which she flunked.

On this day in 1999, in High Point, North Carolina, complaints began rolling in about the unfriendly policewoman on Eastchester Drive. She didn’t wave, she was sleeping, she was dead. Actually, she was a female mannequin, dressed in police clothes, helping to reduce speeds at a high-traffic intersection.

On this day in 2007, Pumpkin got loose and vanished during a short haul on United Airlines from London to Munich Dec. 28. Pumpkin is a cat, who then flew from Munich to Washington and eventually to Los Angeles. Three weeks later, airport workers found her in Denver. Somehow she survived, light as a feather, without food or water. When she recoverd she flew home to Washington state.

So, this trivia quiz is out of this world! Ham died on this day in 1983 at the age of 26. He was America's first space pioneer and a member of the Space Hall of Fame. What kind of animal was Ham?

Good luck :)


At 3:19 PM, January 17, 2008, Blogger jody said...

this seems too obvious but i hope it was a pig otherwise i feel as though there might have been some identity issues...

At 5:57 PM, January 17, 2008, Blogger Kim said...

I thought it was a monkey who first went into space. At least according to the movie The Right Stuff :) But I didn't know if he wsa named Ham or not

At 7:41 AM, January 18, 2008, Blogger R-dogg said...

Ham was a chimpanzee!

Jody, pig was my first guess as well, and if the muppets have taught us anything, it's that there were of course "pigs in space" :)

Kim, well I guess it's better to get your information from the movie "the right stuff" as opposed to the New Kids on the Block song!


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