Thursday, January 03, 2008

C-SPAN and C-SPAN II are my favorite TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today is the Feast day of St Genevieve

Today was the Festival in honor of Pax, back in the Roman Empire.

On this day in 1938, The March of Dimes is founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

On this day in 1947, proceedings of the U.S. Congress are televised for the first time, paving the way for C-SPAN!

On this day in 1953, Frances Bolton and her son, Oliver from Ohio, become the first mother and son to serve simultaneously in the U.S. Congress.

So, here are a couple of trivia questions:
1) Name all the states that have one-syllable names.
2) What's the longest English word you can type using only your left hand?

Good luck :)


At 8:33 AM, January 03, 2008, Blogger dancing_lemur said...

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At 8:34 AM, January 03, 2008, Blogger dancing_lemur said...

1) Maine is the only one I can think of.

2) I'm pretty sure it's "stewardess," but I could be remembering that wrong.

At 3:58 PM, January 03, 2008, Blogger Kim said...

antidisestablishmentarianism. but i never took a typing class, so i think i cheated with the hunt and peck method :)

At 7:15 AM, January 04, 2008, Blogger R-dogg said...

Maine's the right answer to the first one. The second answer is "stewardesses". Sadly, that's not good news for us leftys, since it's probably non-PC to use that word anyway!

Jen, so close! Nice work, though...I'm sure "stewardess" is the second-longest word ;)

Kim, you cheated, but you totally get points for creativity! However, I don't believe you actually hunted-and-pecked to type that...


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