Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm the Barber of TRIIVA QUIZ!

Today is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day. Hm, after paying my gas bill yesterday, I'm all for celebrating this "holiday"!

Tea Experiment Week begins today, a time to add various flavors to your tea until you discover a really good blend.

Today is the Islamic New Year, calendar date Muharam 1, 1429. Oh good, another chance for Seattle not to set off New Year's fireworks :)

On this day in 1955, both the star, Jane Russell, and the audience showed up for the Silver Springs, Florida, premiere of the film "Underwater" in swim suits, scuba tanks, and swim fins for the first (and probably only) movie ever to debut underwater.

On this day in 1990, the San Jose, California, library displayed a 30-foot banner which was supposed to say "Welcome" in 27 languages. It didn't. In 26 languages it said "welcome," and in native Filipino it said "circumcision." They took down the sign.

On this day in 2002, a barber in Bhopal, India, set a record by completing 108 hours of continuous hair cutting. Jaynarayan Bhati cut the hair of 899 men and 552 women to break the old record by six hours.

On to trivia! On this day in 2005, what news organization was rather embarassed to announce that it had fired four employees for producing a flawed report on W's military record?

Good luck :)


At 2:52 PM, January 10, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that was that whole fiasco -- NBC? I don't remember now...

At 5:02 PM, January 10, 2008, Blogger Laine said...

I think it was CBS. Wasn't that the one with Dan Rather?

At 7:29 AM, January 11, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll break the tie and agree with Laine.

Anyone remember that bizarre incident with Dan Rather in Manhattan? "What's the frequency, Kenneth" (which eventually became a song by REM)

At 7:52 AM, January 11, 2008, Blogger R-dogg said...

And the winner is...CBS!

Mark, I think I would have guessed NBC news too since they're the ones I associate with scandalous news stories (To catch a predator, etc).

Laine, yup, that was Dan Rather all caused him to lose the CBS evening news to Katie Couric, which apparently blows!

JD, I didn't realize the "What's the frequency, Kenneth" incident was Dan Rather. Very interesting!

At 8:25 PM, January 15, 2008, Blogger Laine said...

I didn't realize that "What's the frequency Kenneth" involved any sort of incident. I just thought it was an REM song! This requires some WikiResearch.


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