Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm just going to rest my eyes for 15 minutes and take a quick power TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is Temple Completion Day. After the Jewish captivity, the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem was completed on March 10, 515 B.C.

Today is National Blueberry Popover Day. That is a very specific pastry to celebrate...not that I'm not craving one now, but I'm just saying...

Today is National Napping Day, a day for employees to lie down and be counted in support of napping in the workplace. [Please note: Nap at your own risk.] Sponsored by George Costanza!

International Brain Awareness Week and Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week begin today. Are you aware of your brain?

On this day in 1969, James Earl Ray pleaded guilty in Memphis, Tennessee, to the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Ray later repudiated the plea, maintaining his innocence until his death.

On this day in 1980, Willard Scott debuted as the new weatherman on NBC-TV’s "Today Show." He also played Mr. Poole occasionally on The Hogan Family.

On this day in 1984, Cyndi Lauper’s "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" reached #2 on the Billboard Hot 100. Weird Al Yankovic followed with "Girls Just Want To Have Lunch."

On this day in 1997, Sheridan, Wyoming, library workers located the rightful owner of a treasure uncovered in a donated set of the 1934 Collier’s Encyclopedia. The $40-thousand in government bonds, $2,600 in cash, and several rare coins hidden in one volume went to Mary Petit of Norfolk, Virginia, whose husband had hidden it there before he died 12 years earlier. As somebody who has stayed the night in Sheridan, Wyoming, I can tell you that there's not much going on there, so it's not surprising to me that the library staff had the time on their hands to track that person down!

Ok, trivia folks: So in 1995, the New York City MTA erected big bright orange bullseyes on the subway system. What were they for?

Good luck :)


At 4:55 PM, March 10, 2008, Blogger Kim said...

I think they are for stations where multiple trains cross?

Either that or they were helpful "Aim here" signs for hijackers, I'm not sure.

And now, I'm off to nap at work! :)

At 5:59 PM, March 10, 2008, Blogger Laine said...

Ok, I really have no idea about the trivia quiz, although I feel I should. But I have to comment on two things in the blog today. The first is that I seriously thought you were writing about James Earl Jones admitting to killing MLK, and it wasn't until you referenced him dying that I went back and reread the name!

But the thing that made me laugh out loud is the fact that there was a good five-year stretch where my Mom's answering machine message consisted of my sister's rendition of "Believe it or not, the Cocca's aren't home..."

At 7:51 AM, March 11, 2008, Blogger R-dogg said...

They're actually gum targets for people to spit their gum on. I guess it's preferable to having it on the ground!

Kim, I think you've just desribed "the dream": the chance to get paid for napping.

Laine, I'm pretty sure James Earl Jones was the original suspect, but he was later cleared :) Also, that's hilarious about your mom's answering machine! Your sister probably brought much joy to all the telemarketers that called during those five years...

At 5:04 PM, March 11, 2008, Blogger Kim said...

You know, I said that facetiously, or however you spell that, but then I realized I have actually napped at work! And at my job, they give me a bed!


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