Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What do you call a trivia quiz that doesn't belong to you? Nacho TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the National Dairy Council who would like to remind you even reading enough cheesy jokes can help prevent osteoperosis!

So, I've got a few cheese-related questions for you (wow, I'm really MILKing this cheese theme, eh?):

-In the classic SNL sketch about the Olympia Diner (the first one), how may times is the word "cheeseburger" spoken?

-We all know that Pizza Hut was started in Wichita, KS by two brothers and their mother, but what corporation was responsible for the founding of Chuck E. Cheese? Bonus points if you own any products manufactured by this company.

-According to the US census bureau, in 1988, what percentage of the population believed that some portion of our moon is comprised of cheese? Keep in mind that this was before Google Moon was introduced :)


At 12:51 PM, January 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

R-dogg, those are gouda questions!

1) I'll guess 17.
2) No about McDonald's Corporation? I suppose I've "owned" a few cheeseburgers in my day.
3) You mean, the moon isn't made of green cheese? Let's say 40 percent.

Just goes to show, I don't know (monterey) jack about these questions.

At 3:52 PM, January 24, 2007, Blogger Kim said...

Wow, I'm not sure I can keep up with all these cheesy puns! I'll try to keep my answers "Brie"f...

1) 80
2) Atari, and I qualify for the bonus points!!
3) 13% They should ask that again at the next census, I wonder if people are getting smarter or stupider?

At 7:43 AM, January 25, 2007, Blogger R-dogg said...

Excellent answers...and great cheese tie-ins! It looks like I've created a "meunster!"

Kim came the closest...the answers are:
1) 84
2) Atari (they were hoping the robotic characters would be the next big thing. Dear Atari: less time creating giant singing robots, more time working on the graphics for Space Invaders!)
3) 13% is correct...who woulda thunk it?


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