A rose by any other TRIVIA QUIZ...
Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by Shirley Ellis who would like to remind you wiseacres not to sing "The Name Game" with Chuck, Buck, Mitch, or Rich! Chuck chuck bo-buck, banana fana fo....wait!
Here's a little global awareness question: what's the most common name in the world? And no, before you even think about it, it's not "R-dogg," but good guess ;)
Good luck!
OK I will cop to looking this up because I have no idea. The site I looked at said that James and Mary are the two most popular names in the US. Kimberly comes in at #24 for girls though, who knew my parents were so trendy!
Last-minute guess: I'll go with Wang. Or something else Chinese.
Ah, excellent guesses, and great advice for un-original parents out there. However, the answer is...Mohammed!
ooooooo, i knew that one!! too late!
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