Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"Oh, you're pregnant again?" "Yup, I'm trying to win a TRIVIA QUIZ!"

Today is Loomis Day, honoring Washington, D.C., dentist Mahlon Loomis, who patented wireless telegraphy in 1872. (OK, sure, that's boring, but my other option was National Lemon Bisque Day, and nobody wants to hear about that!)

On this day in 1922, outfielders Cliff Heathcote and Max Flack played for both the Chicago Cubs and the St. Louis Cardinals. They were traded for each other between games in a double-header. The Cubs won both games.

Also, on this day in 1927, Toronto attorney Charles Miller set off the goofiest race in history when he died and willed his $568,000 estate to the Toronto woman who could give birth to the most children in the ten years following his death. Ten years later, on this date in 1937, four women split the purse in the so-called Stork Derby. Each had produced nine children.

Now, some trivia! In your lifetime, will you spend 8 months...
(a) sitting at traffic lights;
(b) searching for misplaced objects; or
(c) opening junk mail?

Good luck :)


At 10:02 PM, May 30, 2007, Blogger Kim said...

Hmm, since I'm currently sitting here shredding about five years of accumulated crap i'm going to say opening junk mail! Specifically, offers to reduce your student loan payments :) Also I'm now dying to become a billionaire and then force people to do something bizarre to win my money after I die... too bad I wasted all my money on medical school instead of business school!

At 7:51 AM, May 31, 2007, Blogger R-dogg said...

Yup, it's opening junk mail...but as Kim points out, I guess the kind of junk mail you receive will vary from person to person :)


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