Monday, August 13, 2007

Nobody move! This is a TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is Wall Day, a reminder East Germans began building the Berlin wall on this date in 1961. Celebrate the tearing down of all walls that separate us from each other.

Today is also Left-Handers Day. Whoo-hoo! Left-handers unite!

On this day in 1991, Prevention magazine cited a study at the University of Utah that said milkshakes can ruin a man's sex life. Oh, please let that not be true!!!

On this day in 1997, a 49-year-old man in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for robbing two banks while wearing a floral dress, pumps, and a red wig. Well, duh, because robbing a bank in heels would have been crazy! :)

Trivia quiz time! In 1930, Charles Chreighton and James Hargis drove their Model-A Ford from New York to LA and back without once stopping the engine. What was special about their trip, which took them 42 days to complete?

Good luck :)


At 4:29 PM, August 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, driving 42 days without stopping the engine is pretty impressive in itself!

At 10:35 PM, August 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing it was the first-ever cross-country trip. These days flying across the country can seem like it takes that long!

At 7:57 AM, August 14, 2007, Blogger R-dogg said...

Both good guesses! Mark, I was impressed by that too: my first question was how they refueled it! JD, so true, although that's not the answer.

It turns out they drove it in reverse all the way there and back!


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