Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You know that Sprite tastes so good because of the lime and the TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is Pick A New Love Song Day. Find a tape or CD of it for your Valentine. Clearly, this holiday is from the 1800s. A tape? Really???

The Lemon Festival begins today in Menton, France, featuring elaborate floats made of lemons.

Today is Abraham Lincoln's birthday. He was the 16th U.S. president. Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in present-day Larue County, Kentucky. His birthday was declared a holiday in 1892. He was the first American president to be killed in office. And he didn't chop down that cherry tree! Oh, wait, different president :)

Today is Lost Penny Day, a day to gather up all those pennies stashed in jars, candy dishes, and coffee cans and get them back into circulation (always on Abraham Lincoln's birthday). Ha, I think that one's pretty awesome.

On this day in 1878, U.S. patent #200,358 was issued to Frederick Thayer for his baseball catcher's mask. It was similar to one worn by cowboys to keep from being kicked in the face while branding cattle.

On this day in 1984, Charles Jones of McGehee, Arkansas, joined the Philadelphia 76ers. His brothers, Wilbert, Caldwell, and Major, already were NBA veterans. Two other brothers were drafted, but never made the NBA. The six Jones brothers were 6-8, 6-9, 6-9, 6-9, 6-10, and 6-11.

On this day in 1994, A Montreal woman sued a local funeral home and a hospital after the funeral home called to offer its services just 3½ hours after she had been diagnosed at the hospital with skin cancer. Wow, that's kinda wrong!

So, the trivia: the NAACP was established on this day in 1909. What does NAACP stand for?

For bonus trivia, what language was the book Bambi originally published in?

Good luck :)


At 5:00 PM, February 12, 2008, Blogger Laine said...

What, you couldn't find a youtube video of the lemon parade??

I think it stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. but, I wouldn't swear to that.

And I'm not too sure about Bambi. I'm assuming that you wouldn't ask if it was English, so I'll take a wild guess and say French. (I'm going to be pissed if it really is English!)

At 7:40 AM, February 13, 2008, Blogger R-dogg said...

Laine's got it right! It's the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Bambi was first printed German in 1929.

Laine, you know I tried to find a video of the lemon parade, but all I could find was a video of the Tonic song "If you could only see." Was that the name of the album?

At 6:12 PM, February 13, 2008, Blogger Laine said...

Come to think of it, I do believe that "The Lemon Parade" was the title of the Tonic album!


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