Friday, January 26, 2007

My glove compartment won't close, because I can't figure out how to fold my TRIVIA QUIZ!

Howdy! Today's trivia quiz comes straight from good old geography and is brought to you by this guy, b/c I'm pretty sure he's the only one who owns more maps than I do!

I'm including this one b/c it took me a while to come up with the answer...

1) Seven U.S. states have only one vowel (though they have several instances of that vowel). Name the states! This is an interesting one, because there's a potential 8th answer. For bonus points, explain why the 8th wouldn't count.

2) There are 8 places in the continental US where sequentially-numbered interstates cross. Since poor Ohio is mostly vowels and didn't get to participate in the last question, name the three instances of this in Ohio.

Good luck!


At 3:06 PM, January 26, 2007, Blogger Kim said...

1) alabama, alaska, arkansas, kansas, maryland, mississippi, tennessee. I can't figure out what the eighth one is though.

2) i have no clue, the only road i've ever driven on in ohio is I-90 I think :)

At 12:44 PM, January 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i need easier questions. how about you start out with something like this.

ok, kids, first question. What color are my eyes?



At 7:51 AM, January 29, 2007, Blogger R-dogg said...

Hey, nice answers, everybody! Here's the list:

New Jersey

And the one that doesn't count is...drum roll...Maryland!

So why New Jersey and not Maryland? Well, the answer is that 'y' steps in and serves when there are no other vowels in a syllable. Every syllable needs a vowel. Y serves as a vowel in Maryland's second syllable but not at the end of New Jersey.

As for the second question, here are the intersections:
I-70 and I-71 meet in Columbus
I-74 and I-75 meet in Cincinnati
I-76 and I-77 cross in Akron


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