Friday, July 11, 2008

How much would it cost today to hire Babe TRIVIA QUIZ!!??!!

Today is Reading Guilt Day, a day to actually start reading an entire book you only read the Cliff Notes version of in college. Hmm, I guess that means I'll finally have to read Billy Budd...

Today is also National Blueberry Muffin Day. Oh good, so I can have something good to eat when I fall asleep on my copy of Billy Budd ;)

On this day in 1914, Babe Ruth made his major-league debut with the Boston Red Sox at an annual rookie salary of $2,900. Six years later he signed with the Yankees for $125,000.

On this day in 1971, the U.S. Department of AgriĀ­culture was allocated $19,520 to deterĀ­mine if a woman's place was in the home. Really?

On this day in 1992, a Japanese rancher told Tokyo reporters he outfitted his cattle with pocket pagers. He said it took the cows about a week to learn that the beep means it's time to eat. He just dials the beeper number and they come running. Now, holler if you've sent a numeric page to anybody in the last 10 years!

(random, yes, but it's what came up when I searched for "cow pager")

Trivia, eh? OK, when was the last cigarette ad seen on television?

Good luck :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I wonder if Millie's autograph is actually a paw TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is Pavement Day, marking completion of the first concrete-paved street on this date in 1892 in Bellefontaine, Ohio. So I guess they were the first town to pave paradise :)

Today is also Disney Animation Appreciation Day, a time to remember all your favorite Disney movies, like possibly "The Fox and The Hound," released on this date in 1981. Four years in the making, this Disney production required 360,000 drawings.

On this day in 1991, Millie Bush, America's First Dog, became a millionaire as royalties from her book about a dog's life in the White House reached $1.1-million. Millie gave the money to First Lady Barbara Bush's family literacy foundation. Millie died in May, 1997.

On this day in 2004, in his weekly radio address, President Bush said legalizing gay marriage would redefine the most fundamental institution of civilization, and that a constitutional amendment was needed to protect traditional marriage. I think the most surprising thing for me about this was that W has a weekly radio address!

Trivia time! Who once said "It's not true that I said "actors are cattle." I said "they should be treated like cattle."

Good luck :)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

O, Canada, Our Home and Native TRIVIA QUIZ!

A quick programming note: I'll post again next week!

July is National Hot Dog Month, National Grilling Month, National Ice Cream Month, Family Reunion Month, National Baked Bean Month, National Blueberries Month, Women's Motorcycle Month, Make a Difference to Children Month, and National Purposeful Parenting Month.

Today is Canada Day, commemorating the confederation of Upper and Lower Canada on this date in 1867. The federal government was formed by the British North American Act. John A. Macdonald was sworn as first Prime Minister.

Today is Second Half of the New Year Day, a checkpoint for those who made New Year's resolutions.

Today is National Ginger Snap Day.

Today is Build a Scarecrow Day.

Today is National Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day.

On this day in 1916, Coca-Cola adopted its distinctive contoured bottle to set itself apart from competitors.

On this day in 1983, after 120 hours, the Rev. Ronald Gallagher finally stopped preaching at the Baptist Temple in Appomattox, Virginia. It was history's longest sermon.

Trivia time! What advertising symbol debuted on this day in 1980 and asked us all to "take a bite out of crime"?

Good luck :)