Friday, March 30, 2007

Let's see, to get to Macy's I have to take a right at the food court, so I should head towards the TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the Association of American Geographers. They'd like you to go to and get directions from Chicago, IL to London. Check out Step number 20!

We've all used those maps in malls before telling us how to get from store to store. What's the technical term for the "You are here" indicator added to those types of maps?

Good luck :)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

They paved paradise and put up a TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by urban sprawl: coming to a metro area near you!

This might seem odd after that question about North America and wilderness, but which state has all of its counties classified as metropolitan areas?

Good luck :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Did you know Cyndi Lauper played the theme song from The Goonies? That's one of my favorite TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the Me! Generation.

Since this is my 80th blog post, I thought I'd make this quiz about the 80s. What was the first video to be shown on MTV when it went on the air? For bonus points, what date did MTV start broadcasting?

Good luck :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Take me out to ball game, take me out with the TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the Seattle Mariners! Opening day is less than a week away, and as one of my co-workers pointed out, they can't be more than one game back after opening day.

What's the distance from the pitcher's rubber to home plate on a baseball diamond?

Good luck :)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Make new friends, but keep the old: one is silver and the other's a TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the Silver Dollar. I remember having one as a kid and thinking it was so cool. It was way cooler than that stupid SacawacaDollar!

So, we all know about the gold rush in Alaska, but what state boasts the largest silver nugget ever found in the US? Bonus points if you can guess its weight.

Good luck! :)

Friday, March 23, 2007

I went to the woods because I wished to take a TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's question is brought to you by the National Park Service. They'd like to remind you to go out and see some of the country's wildnerness!

Which continent has the greatest percentage of it covered by wildnerness: Africa or North America?

Good luck, and forgive me, Ralph Waldo Emerson, for mangling a quote from you as the title of this entry :)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Like mamma always said, life is like a box of TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the Nationa Confectioners Association who invite you to check out this list of candy holidays.

We all know that there are far better chocolates out there, but where did Hershey's kisses get their name? Bonus points if you can name 3 of the 5,000 varieties they now have of Hershey's kisses.

Good luck! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Have you seen what they show on TV these days? It's like the networks have no TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the Standards and Practices Department. I'm sure they wouldn't allow any smut on network TV!

Who was the first couple to be seen in bed together on prime time television?

Good luck!

A quick programming note: I'll be on vacation, so the next entry won't be until Wednesday 3/21.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Auntie Em, Auntie Em, it's a twister, it's a TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the American Wind Energy Association. It's weird that these folks would claim we could "get" energy from wind since all it seems to do is stop me on my bicycle commute!!

Of the top ten windiest cities in the United States (according to NOAA), only one has a population over 500,000. Which city is it?

Good luck! :)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Ah, tu parles francais? Moi, je parle TRIVIA QUIZ!

Another week, some more trivia quizzes! This one's brought to you by The National Council of Teachers of English. Sure, their title didn't have to be so wordy, but they're English teachers, so what are you gonna do?

So, what's the shortest sentence in the English language? In other words, how well were you paying attention back in the fifth grade when you had to diagram sentences?

Good luck! :)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Kill the wabbit, kill the TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Do we really need an association for this? Don't rabbits kind of "breed" on their own?

What was Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) allergic to?

Good luck! :)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ow, my head hurts! Take two TRIVIA QUIZzes and call me in the morning!

I thought I'd branch out a little bit, so today's "quiz" is brought to you!

This is a bit of a brain teaser...try to figure out what the letters stand for. For example, for "24 H in a D", the answer would be "24 hours in a day." Good luck!

7 W of the W
12 S of the Z
66 B of the B
5 T on a F
3 B M (S H T R)
29 D in F in a L Y
23 P of C in the H B

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hey, can you make change for this twenty dollar TRIVIA QUIZ??!!??

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the Community Currency Association. Hmm, each state creating its own currency...finally we can get away from this whole "united" states notion!

While we still have one national currency, what material are US dollar bills made out of? Please feel free to send me any bills that you examine to come up with the answer for this one ;)

Good luck!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I mail so few letters these days, I never have any TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today's quiz is brought to you by The Virtual Stamp Club. I guess the advantage of a virtual stamp club is that you don't have to worry about pasting the little suckers into albums...

Here's the question: Israeli postage stamps have a special requirement with regards to its glue. What is it?

Good luck! :)

Monday, March 05, 2007

I saw the coolest cactus the last time I was wandering around in the TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's quiz is brought to you by the American Water Works Association. Apparently, they offer their own platinum visa now! I thought I'd pass this link along, in case today's trivia quiz made anybody thirsty...

So, what's the only continent with no deserts? For bonus points, what's the correct plural of "cactus"?

Good luck!

Friday, March 02, 2007

It's snowy out? No problem, I've got 4-wheel drive on my TRIVIA QUIZ!

The quiz du jour is brought to you by The Sons of Bantam Jeep Club and BBQ Society. I seriously could not have made that up even if I had wanted to!

Where did the name Jeep come from?

Good luck :)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I hear the RCMP are the best at catching TRIVIA QUIZzes, eh?

Today's quiz is brought to you by National Geographic who'd like you to know that the Canadian literacy rate is 97%! Wow, so 97% of Canadians can read my blog...that's like 15 people!

The word "Canada" is actually a Native American word. What does it mean in English?
Bonus points if you know what RCMP stand for or if you've ever seen an RCMP officer besides Dudley Do-Right ;)

Good luck!