Friday, November 16, 2007

It's not like "Whoops, where'd my TRIVIA QUIZ go?"

Today is National Fast Food Day.

Today is Famous San Diego Chicken Day, a day to honor anyone who ever slugged the mascot.

On this day in 1907, Oklahoma became the 46th U.S. state. Welcome, okies!

On this day in 1979, A Baden, Pennsylvania, banker was sentenced to three years in prison for misappropriating bank funds and for spanking delinquent customers. Um, who are the customers that put up with that???

On this day in 1989, David Letterman beat up the Energizer Bunny with a baseball bat.

On this day in 1999, Autobahn 33, a major German highway, was closed for several hours after a truck flipped and spilled 16 tons of apples on the highway. Three cars and two trucks crashed as they slid on the smashed apples. No one was killed, but one person was injured. Applesauce was four inches thick.

And on that note, I'm outta here! I'll be back in two weeks, so come on back for some more trivia fun then!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is I Love to Write Day, a great day to write something, a poem, a short story, a letter to the editor. Or a novel: it's not too late to start NaNoWriMo!

Today is National Sing in Your Car Day. Um, isn't that every day??

Today is Don't Try to Do Everything at Once Day.

On this day in 1492, in history's first written reference to a new discovery, Christopher Columbus made notes in his journal about the use by New World Indians of tobacco.

On this day in 1995, a truck accident near Muncie, Indiana, spilled onto the highway 22 tons of turkey legs.

On this day in 2002, a four-ton elephant named Tina cut through the drive-through line at a McDonald's in Cape Coral, Florida. Tina happily swallowed 10 veggie burgers that she grabbed from workers by sticking her snout through the drive-through window. The stunt was a promotion for a visiting circus.

On this day in 2005, the town council voted in Clark, Texas, north of Dallas-Fort Worth, to change the community's name to DISH. In return the town would get 56 satellite dishes - one for each home and another for town hall - as EchoStar Communications hooked up every home in DISH to the Dish Network satellite TV system, worth an estimated $4,500 each. The deal would last ten years.

It's trivia time! What former "band" made up of Fabrice Morvan and Rob Pilatus won a Best New Artist grammy in 1990 but never sang a note?

Good luck :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Don't you step on my blue suede TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today is Leftovers Trading Day, a day to swap everything in your refrigerator to a friend for everything in their refrigerator. Anybody want some leftover pizza?

Today is National Guacamole Day. when's National Tortilla Chips day?

Today is American National Teddy Bear Day. Legend says President Teddy Roosevelt spared the life of a bear cub while on a 1902 big game hunt in Mississippi. Political cartoonist Clifford Berryman drew the incident and the "Teddy" Bear was born.

On this day in 1935, The San Francisco Call Bulletin became the first newspaper to run a life-size portrait of a human being. The subject: two-day old Larry Quinn.

On this day in 1961, the Elvis Presley film "Blue Hawaii" premiered.

On this day in 1992, Danville, Virginia, inventor David Bivens introduced his automatic people wash, a device with large spinning brushes similar to those he invented decades earlier to wash cars and trucks. Oh Danville: always the center of innovation!

On this day in 1995, Crayola announced it was replacing its food-scented crayons with new scents parents could be sure their children wouldn't want to eat. Responding to parental complaints, Crayola replaced such scents as Chocolate, Bubble Gum, and Cherry with Dirt, Shampoo, and Cedar Chest.

Here's some pet trivia: the average dog can make about 10 different vocal sounds. How many different vocal sounds can the average cat make? Is it 5, 50, or 100?

Good luck :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

TRIVIA QUIZ, come on down!!

Today is National Paint a Pumpkin Day. Those pumpkin growers: always trying to extend the pumpkin season!

Today is National Indian Pudding Day. OK, I don't even know what that is.

Today is National Young Readers Day, a time to remind Americans of the joys and importance of reading to children.

On this day in 1940, Walt Disney released the movie Fantasia, and it bombed. In 1967 he released it again, and it was a hit.

On this day in 1952, the first press-on fingernails were sold in the U.S. Ah, Lee Press-On Nails: they were on just about every episode of The Price Is Right ($1.99 suggested retail price).

On this day in 1961, The Tokens released "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." And on this day in 2007, I put that song in your head :)

So, how about some Fill In The Blanks? On November 13, 1789, Ben Franklin wrote "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except [blank] and [blank]."

Good luck :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

I'd say the Babar series were my favorite children's TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today is National Pizza With the Works Except Anchovies Day. Why is everyboyd always so down on anchovies? They're yummers!

Today is A&W Root Beer Mug Day, a day to see if you can frost your mug like A&W always did it.

Operating Room Nurse Week and Children's Book Week begin today.

On this day in 1815, Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born. At age 33, she told the first Women's Rights Conference in Seneca Falls, New York, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal."

On this day in 1934, according to Kentucky legend, the cheeseburger was born at Kaelin’s Tavern in Louisville.

On this day in 1955, despite high winds and a temperature of zero, the Washington State-San Jose State football game was played on schedule in Pullman, Washington. Total paid attendance was one.

On this day in 2004, in a highly publicized case, a California jury found Scott Peterson guilty of murdering his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son. Peterson was sentenced to death.

Ok, trivia time: which movie contains the following quote:
"There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That's about it."

Good luck :)

Friday, November 09, 2007

A Louie, Louie....Oh, baby, I say a TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is Paul Is Dead Day. According to Paul Is Dead conspiracy theorists, singer Paul McCartney of the Beatles died on November 9, 1966, from massive head injuries sustained in an auto accident. He was replaced by orphan Billy Campbell, a dead ringer for Paul.

Today is Wizard of Id Day. The comic strip debuted on November 9, 1964.

Today is Fluffy Towel Appreciation Day. Ah, perfect for a rainy day in Seattle :)

On this day in 1963, The Kingsmen entered the Billboard "Hot 100" with "Louie Louie," the dirtiest song never written. The song, about a bartender named Louie, actually was squeaky clean, but the lyrics were hard to understand and rumors spread that they were dirty. No one bought Chuck Berry's recording of the same song in 1956. Want any more info on this song? Check out the Experience Music Project in Seattle where there's an ENTIRE FLOOR devoted to it.

On this day in 1967, the premiere issue of Rolling Stone magazine included a free roach clip.

On this day in 1989, Germans danced atop the Berlin Wall as communist East Germany threw open its borders, allowing citizens to travel freely to the West for the first time in 28 years.

OK, I'm trying to mix up the trivia a bit: Name the book and its author that includes the characters Tom Joad, Rose-of-Sharon, and Casy the preacher!

Good luck :)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Riddle me this, Bat TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is National Parents as Teachers Day, a reminder that parents are the primary teachers of children ages birth to five, the most important learning period of a person's life.

Today is Montana Day. It became the 41st U.S. state on this date in 1889.

Today is Abet and Aid Punsters Day, a day to laugh at instead of groan at dreadful puns. Ah, finally the time has come!!! So, what did the fish say when he hit the wall? DAM!

On this day in 1913, Indiana's Clair Scott kicked football's worst punt. With the ball on the 3-yard-line, Scott punted from his own end zone. The wind caught the ball and carried it back into the end zone, where an Iowa player caught it for a touchdown.

On this day in 1985, police in Portsmouth, England, arrested three men dressed as Batman, Robin, and Superman following a bar brawl. Later the same night, at another nightclub police hauled off three more costumed brawlers: Popeye the Sailor, Spiderman, and an Australian Desert Rat.

On this day in 1991, Philippe's sandwich shop in Los Angeles, which had served a 10-cent cup of coffee since 1978, was forced to raise the price to 11 cents because of a new state snack tax.

I thought I'd go with a riddle today: What is at the beginning of eternity, the end of time, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place?

Good luck :)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Do you smell what The Rock is TRIVIA QUIZzing??!!??

Today is Republican Elephant Day, marking the debut of a cartoon elephant to represent the Republican Party on this date in 1874 in Harper's Weekly..

Today is National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day. Mmm, that sounds yummy...and specific

On this day in 1960, James Brett Jr. underwent successful hip surgery in Houston. He was 111 years old, the oldest surgical patient on record.

On this day in 1965, the Pillsbury Dough Boy debuted in television commercials. Hee Hee!

On this day in 1973, New Jersey became the first U.S. state to allow girls to play on Little League baseball teams.

On this day in 1993, professional wrestler Khan the Warlord was elected mayor of Bunn, North Carolina. His real name is Jerry Kennett.

So, back in 1991, which pro basketball player stunned the world when he announced he had tested positive for the HIV virus and would retire from pro basketball?

Good luck :)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Hm, I think I prefer Breyers Ice TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is Good Morning America Day. The ABC-TV morning program debuted on this date in 1975.

Today is International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict, sponsored by the UN. Why such a long name?

On this day in 1984, 60-year-old William Gaines slept through an explosion that totally demolished his Fort Worth home. He was not injured.

On this day in 1986, Edy's Ice Cream insured the taste buds of ice cream taster John Harrison for $250-thousand.

On this day in 1997, almost a hundred drunk migrating song birds crashed into store windows in downtown Iowa City, Iowa. The birds had stopped to dine at a nearby berry tree where the berries were beginning to ferment. Local bird lovers quickly closed the saloon by spreading a tarp over it.

So, what's the longest-running television show? It started in 1947 and is still on the air. Here's a hint: it was a radio show before it became a TV show.

Good luck :)

Monday, November 05, 2007

I'll trade you Baltic Avenue for Boardwalk and Park TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is Roy Rogers Day. The "King of the Cowboys" was born Leonard Sly in Cincinnati on this date in 1912. He died in 1998.

Today is Gunpowder Day in England, also known as Guy Fawkes Day, marking a plot to blow up Parliament in 1605. The plot failed when 20 barrels of gunpowder were discovered under Parliament. Guy Fawkes and seven other conspirators were beheaded.

On this day in 1946, Chuck Connors of the Boston Celtics became the first basketball player in history to shatter a glass backboard during an NBA game. Connors later starred as TV's "Rifleman."

On this day in 1993, Police arrested a 19-year-old in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, for attempted theft at a glue factory. The suspect did not resist. He had knocked over two large cans and glued himself to the factory floor.

On this day in 1995, Canadian David Boys became the world Scrabble champion in London, beating finalists from 31 nations for the title. The final word "lud," a rare spelling of "lord," sealed the win over U.S. champ Joel Sherman.

Oh, it's trivia time! Monopoly was first produced by Parker Brothers on this day back in 1935. What city provided the names for all the properties on the board?

Good luck :)

Friday, November 02, 2007

The Famous Corn Palace is located in lovely South TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is National Refuse to Capitalize the First Letters in Your Name Day, always on singer k.d. lang's birthday.

(I so used to think this song was "Constant Gravy")

Today is Deviled Egg Day and Piggy Bank Day, a good day to take your lunch to work and save.

Today is North Dakota Day and South Dakota Day. North Dakota became the 39th U.S. state on this date in 1889, South Dakota became the 40th state.

On this day in 1896, Britain issued the first motor car insurance policy, but damage caused by frightened horses was specifically excluded. This is why you always have to read the fine print!

On this day in 1991, some 100 members of the Tenafly High School class of 1956 finally held their senior prom in Tenafly, New Jersey. The original prom was cancelled after beer bottles were thrown from a bus in the Lincoln Tunnel during a class trip to New York City.

On this day in 2003, British intelligence finally identified a mysterious transmission that had baffled analysts for days. The nation's leading communications scientists determined strange high-frequency noises coming from Scarborough signal station in Yorkshire were caused by a goat rubbing its horns against an antenna mast.

Here's a question for ya: What congressional award was Dr. Mary Edwards Walker the first woman to receive?

Good luck :)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed TRIVIA QUIZ!

November is National American Indian Heritage Money, National AIDS Awareness Month, Aviation History Month, American Diabetes Month, Epilepsy Awareness Month, Family Stories Month, National Adoption Month, National Alzheimer's Disease Month, National COPD and Lung Cancer Awareness Month, National Family Caregivers Month, National Hospice Month, and Peanut Butter Lovers' Month.

Today is Men Make Dinner Day. Um, that's every day at our house, but that could have something to do with the demographics ;)

The annual Elephant Roundup begins today in Surin, Thailand, with elephant parades and elephant soccer.

On this day in 1913, Notre Dame introduced the forward pass. Quarterback Gus Dorais completed 17 of 21 passes to receiver Knute Rockne to defeat a surprised Army team 35 to 13.

On this day in 1924, in Ottawa, Canada's National Hockey League awarded a franchise to the Boston Bruins, the NHL's first U.S. team.

On this day in 1944, "Harvey," a comedy by Mary Chase about a man and his friend, an invisible 6-foot-tall rabbit, opened on Broadway. I've never seen the play, but the movie is hilarious!

OK, trivia time! What big packaging change did McDonalds announce on this day back in 1990? I'll give you a hint: they would have had no way to serve their McDLT!

Good luck :)