Friday, August 27, 2004

McDonalds, McDonalds...Kentucky Fried Chicken and a...TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's long-awaited Trivia Quiz is brought to you by National Dairy Council who remind you that dairy products may reduce the risk of kidney stones!

What 3 days of the year are the most popular ones for pizza delivery in the United States? For bonus points, what's the least popular pizza topping in the United States?

Good luck!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

My poor blog!

Dear blog readers,
I apologize for being neglectful in my updates! They will resume soon enough...

In the meantime, MAD props to all of you who have answered the trivia quizzes correctly or added insightful comments! Keep 'em coming!

And just so Kim doesn't get mad...PROPS TO KIM!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

A Little John Cusack trivia For you!

Here's another trivia quiz for youz guyz, whoever you may be! It's brought to you by yer should call her! She worries...

So we all know John Cusack's sister Joan from her own acting career (shared a few movies with her brother, made some annoying US Cellular commercials that are so bad that you decide to stick with SprintPCS, etc.). Can you name the other 3 Cusack siblings? For bonus points, complete this song lyric from the movie "Say Anything": "Joe lies. Joe lies...when he [blank]s."

Please feel free to post your favorite John Cusack movie as well...I'll give you a hint: it's Gross Pointe Blank ;)

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

How does your school stack up?

So the latest Princeton Review rankings are out! Check out how your alma mater compares...

Some findings of note:

Wake Forest is Number 6 in "little race/class interaction." Come on, folks, surely we can get that to number 1...stop talking to the poor people! You're better than they are! I guess "poor" is relative at Wake: usually it's the person driving the pre-2002 BMW :) Odd that WFU didn't make this list isn't it?

NCSU: Number 17 in the "Campus is tiny and/or unsightly" category. Sure, that's not an encouraging finding, but have you seen Harrelson Hall?? Designed by some brilliant engineering minds, and yet it's sinking into the ground. The only reason to go to that part of campus is to sit in those giant ear things (or "sound reflectors")! At least they're not number 1 in that category, however!

Things you could do without knowing

So it turns out I'm a psychopath. Take this test and find out if you're doomed to cut up your closest friends and relatives as well! Also, if I have your address, you'd better watch out....heh heh heh!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

A bonus trivia quiz...

Who has / had the best Beer Cheese soup on the planet??? I see no reason ever to return to Raleigh now!!

Sniff sniff, perhaps they'll rebuild...

Commuting Trivia Nightmare!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by Nissan, without whom I would not have my 1999 Maxima SE 5-speed with which to get to work!

So, because I spend hours on the road in the evening and morning on my commute, I can quasi-identify with the title of the recent Celine Dion song "I drove all night." Of course, we all know Celine's a big phony because this song was originally recorded by what 1980s-not so much 90s-back in 2000s pop star?

BonusStalkerPoints if you can name the color of my Maxima! Good luck!

"What happened to us, Philip?" "We just grew apart, Celine Dion" -- South Park

Friday, August 13, 2004

Trivia quiz...HECK YEAH!

Back from hiatus and brought to you by ExxonMobil oil, it's the trivia quiz!

Sadie leaves Topeka, KS heading south (or "down", depending on how you're holding your map) on I-335 and continuing on I-35: The Kansas Turnpike. In Wichita, she'll get off on US 400 heading west. Sadie's Toyota Corolla has seen better days, but thanks to a recent tune-up, it gets about 30 miles per gallon. Since she fills up her tank after using exactly 10 gallons (don't even ask about her OCD -- she's getting it under control!), in what city will she first stop for gas? AND, what distinction does this city hold? You may also speculate as to how many Vivarin Sadie will pop to stay awake on this boring trip across Kansas!

Good luck! Perhaps I'll post hints in the comments section if people request them.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Fun Link!

Here's something fun to do in your spare time:

The USGS orthophotography site!

You can check out the instructions, but basically you can find aerial photos for anywhere in the US for free. Thanks, USGS! Big Brother is watching you...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Watch out! It's.....a TRIVIA QUIZ!

Sorry it's being posted so late, but today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the George Washington Historical Society.

According to a law in Vermont, what is it illegal for a wife to wear without express written permission from her husband?

Good luck!

Sunday, August 08, 2004

A bit of a subjective TRIVIA QUIZ!!!!

This trivia quiz is brought to you by a button I saw today that said "ABBA: Anybody but Bush Again."

It's more of a free-write, so in other words, you can't find the answer on Google! Abba was a great band from our past, and they recently came back into prominence with the musical "Mama Mia." Make up a good phrase whose acronym would be "ABBA." Good luck, and be creative!

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Running out of variations on titles...TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the urge to fly. Please do not try jumping off tall buildings!

We all know that Chicago Midway Airport's 3-letter code is MDW. It's fairly simple to see how they came up with that one. However, Chicago O'Hare Airport's code is ORD. What is the origin of this code? Why not OHR or something?

Bonus points if you actually fly to O'Hare to find the answer to this question :)

Friday, August 06, 2004

I feel like chicken tonight!

This article just in from Fitzgerald, GA. Beware the chickens, as they have been known to fly through lawyer's office windows! Sometimes, I really miss the south! Thank you to Jenny for bringing this to my attention.

As one of my college band cadences used to start:
Drum line: "Have y'all heard about that quake?"
Band: "Yes...we...have...CHICKEN!"

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Another edition of the tuh-rivia quiz!

This next quiz is brought to you by Remakes Backwards R Us.

Recently, the ska band No Doubt scored a hit with the song "It's My Life." What 80s band originally recorded this song? For bonus points, name any Olivia Newton-John song that's not "Let's get Physical."

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Geographic Trivia!

Name all the United States states that have only one syllable. Then name your favorite vacation spot in each of those states. Please note that "North Kakalakie" is not one syllable :)

Again with the trivia!

This one's a bit of a cop-out, but it's brought to you by the lovely weather we've been having in Chicago lately!

Name the movie, the actor or actress who said it, and the actress about which it was said:

"I think we should shoot her."

Good luck!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Watch out for that...!

As I commute in the mornings, I'm often a tad sluggish. I am simply incapable of going to bed at a reasonable hour, so I'm dead for the drive to work. Sure, this is not a good idea. In the winter, I go to the gym before work so that I will be more alert, but right now sans gym membership, I'm just using the caffeine method (Thanks, C2!) As a public service, I thought I'd post the link to a website about drowsy driving.

Trivia quiz: The sequel!

Today's question is brought to you by the saying "Necessity is the mother of invention." What is the proper name for the plastic sheaths on the ends of shoelaces? Bonus points if you can come up with something other than "thingie." :) Good luck!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

And now...the trivia quiz!

So I thought I'd start posting random trivia questions for you to ponder. Everybody should exercise their minds, right? Today's question is brought to you by NCAA basketball withdrawal.

Name 5 NCAA Division I teams whose primary mascot does not end with the letter "s." Hint to get you started: Syracuse is no longer the "Orangemen."

Good luck! I'll be posting the answer the day after the quiz under the "comments" section.