Monday, April 30, 2007

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today is National Oatmeal Cookie Day, so treat yourself to one...well, at least one!

On this day in 1988, residents of Selinsgrove, PA completed a 4.55 mile-long banana split, which is the longest ever!

To celebrate another great American accomplishment, what famous document begins: "When in the course of human events..."?

Good luck! :)

Friday, April 27, 2007

I think Garfield ate my TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today is National Hairball Awareness Day, so I thought I'd come up with something cat-themed!

What's a group of cats called? What about a group of kittens?

Good luck :)

I just thought this was a funny story:

On April 27, 2003:
A 28-year-old Italian student took her final law exam in an Arezzo hospital delivery room after authorities said giving birth was not an excuse to miss the test. Eight law school examiners gave the 30-minute oral exam. A couple of hours after acing the exam, the new lawyer gave birth to a healthy daughter.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hail to the TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by Presidential Libraries. I'd really like to see Clinton's, but Arkansas never seems to be "on the way" to anywhere I'm going...

Who is the only president to win a Pulitzer Prize? I'll give you a hint to get you started: it was not our current president!

Good luck :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I used to love Saturday Morning TRIVIA QUIZzes!

So, today's my 100th post-a-versary and I thought I'd make today's trivia quiz multimedia!

A huge shout-out to Mark and The Old Peculiar who hosted a great trivia night last night...great questions, good food, fun emcee...the whole package!

And now I'm going to shamelessly steal one of their questions ;) What cartoon from the 80s did this scene come from:

And no, it's not "Mean old Gnomes" as another team guessed...good luck :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Everything's coming up TRIVIA QUIZzes!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the rose. Hey, it's spring, there are flowers starting to bloom out there....

What was the inspiration for the nursery rhyme "Ring Around the Rosey"?

Good luck :)

Monday, April 23, 2007

You know what they say: Reduce, Reuse, Re-TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's quiz is brought to you by the history of Earth Day. Since this blogger likes to sleep in on weekends, you don't get any info on weekend holidays until the following Monday ;)

In honor of Earth Day yesterday, which state has the highest percentage of people who walk to work?

Good luck :)

Friday, April 20, 2007

And here's the wind-up...and the TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the great song: Take me out to the ball game. I'm pretty much just including this link b/c I had no clue anybody still used geocities!

What's the average lifespan (in pitches) of a major league baseball? Bonus points if you know what kind of wood the bat is usually made of.

Good luck :)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

We're goin' riding on the freeway of love in my pink TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the rush hour online game. I love puzzles like this!

What is the average speed most cars travel on interstate highways during peak morning and afternoon rush?

Good luck :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

One of these days....bang, the TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by Google Moon. Find out what's going on up there! Also, try zooming ALL the way in on a particular spot ;)

How long prior to a space shuttle launch does NASA start its countdown? Bonus points if you can tell me where the subject of this post came from.

Good luck :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's going, going, that ball is outta TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by The Reality TV Hall of Shame. Hey, many reality TV shows are competitions, if only for camera time ;)

Which team sport has periods of play called "chukkas"? Bonus points if you can tell me whether that question mark should have gone inside those quotes or not!

Good luck :)

Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm just a hunka-hunka burnin' TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by The First Church of Jesus Christ, Elvis. As Homer Simpson once said, "Mmmmm, sacrilicious!"

Graceland, Elvis' home estate is located in Memphis, which is of course in Tennessee. What two other states are within about 20 miles of Graceland?

Good luck :)

Friday, April 13, 2007

Sure, I'd live right on the San Andreas's not like there'd ever be a TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by this cool earthquake simulator from our friends at PBS!

This question should give you some fun geographic wonderings this weekend: According to the theory of plate tectonics, all the land on the Earth used to be in one giant land mass. What was the name of this "first continent"?

Good luck :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What's the Pythgorean Theorem again? Oh right, a squared plus b squared equals TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's random trivia quiz is brought to you by the random Chess 'N Math Assocation of Canada. Oh, those wacky Canadians with their associations...

How about some math on this fine Thursday morning? What's 111,111,111 x 111,111,111?

Good luck :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Diamonds are a girl's best TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by the Hope diamond. Was that supposed to be what the necklace in Titanic had on it, or was that one just a cheap knock-off?

What are the four measures that determine the value of a diamond? Here's a hint: they all start with the letter "C".

Good luck!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This scene is too dark! Can we move that spotlight a little to the TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by The Motion Picture Assocation of America and their movie rating system. Sometimes it's funny to read the things that warrant the ratings (like "threatening language" and stuff)!

How about a movie question today? Which movie was released as 'Vaselina' in Venezuela?

Good luck :)

Monday, April 09, 2007

As the Count would say, that's one TRIVIA QUIZ, ah ah ah!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by this video posted on YouTube. Sorry if this puts the song in your head all day!

How are your spelling skills on a Monday? Which is the lowest whole number, when spelt out, is in correct alphabetical order?

Good luck :)

Friday, April 06, 2007

What's coming on after SportsCenter? Oh, it's another episode of TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's question is brought to you by ESPN: The new home of Monday Night Football.

Here's a sports question for you: What Monday Night Football announcer was known as "The Mouth"? Bonus points if you can name the network that used to host Monday Night Football.

Good luck :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ah, the perfect spokespeople for Doublemint gum...a pair of TRIVIA QUZzes!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by M. Giant's funny blog "Velcrometer." He lives in the twin cities of Minnesota: Minneapolis and St. Paul.

What was the name of the lamb cloned in 1996?

Good luck :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

You take the good, you take the bad, you take 'em both and there you have...a TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by The Snack Food Assocoation. Snack food: the perfect companion for watching TV!

How about some TV trivia? What star of the Breakfast Club was also part of the orginal cast of the Facts of Life?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty? I saw it on my last trip to TRIVIA QUIZ!

This trivia quiz is brought to you by Washington state. Aside from New York state, it's the only state I can think of that's often referred to with the "state" after it!

Speaking of New York, here's a question that seems easy...which states border New York state? Bonus points if you've lived in one of these states.

Good luck :)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Hey, your shoes are untied! April TRIVIA QUIZ!

Today's trivia quiz is brought to you by this list of great April Fool's jokes. Perhaps you can get some ideas for next year! I personally like number 4.

It's pretty common to hear that February is Black History Month. What "month" is April?

Good luck :)